Monday, June 7, 2010

"gather round the campfire ya'll"

This is a tale of days when good gigs and concerts were cheap and it wasn't about funding a tour with a 90 dollar ticket to not hear certain songs you paid for, when it was about bringing out artists who would almost pay to escape their surroundings and visit our sunny shores. Sounds good doesn't it? but usually unless you are an intense indy kid who will happily wander into an abandoned factory that smells like freshly painted subjective graffiti and be satisfied with wine in a frat party cup...then these cheap gigs are nothing but an urban myth.

But wait...even though we have chosen a path of high expense club nights and festivals, Nadastrom have answered our prayers. Book in June 19th as a night off the goon budget, because yankee chillers Dave Nada and Matt Nordstrom are spinning an 'all-american rave themed' set at Oxford Art Factory. OxArts and their night Dance Club is gifting us with what is set to be a shredding performance for only 10Bucks!! If there is an doubt still in your mind then to hear local spinners Awkward Boys and Three Fingers are in full support just brushes those cobwebs. On that Three Fingers have put together a sweet bootleg you can grab below for the event promo and trailer. So unpack your belt-buckles, get practicing your hillbilly twang and prepare yourself for a night of Hulkamania shirt ripping...oh and some tunes as well.
head over to moshtix to grab your tickets for this sweet deal.
And If you are asking yourself who Nadastrom are then head over to their myspace or for further insight check out theinterview they just did with the peeps at Dance Club