"There are many dying children out there whose last wish is to meet me" - David Hasselhoff G'day. As the week ahead looms i feel that i shall share some frais (parlez vous francais?) tunes with all. So here are a select few that may get you through your manic monday all the way to freeball friday...just. Also look out for a spooky post later this week.
The first is a track that has been quite recently hyped up with big names pulling out remixes of it. It is the latest track from
Kasper Bjørke and although being a short, sweet, dreamy and smooth track it also has a ripping video that is worth a
These boys have been busy beetroots lately - touring, recording and hella remixing. The next installment of great remixes from these crazy italians. The Bloody Beetroots are set to tour oz aswell for stereosonic which draws closer. This is a solid mix of another pumping european duo and i hope you like it.
Lastly is a rare MJ track and even though the world cannot hear the end of the Jackson tale this must be shared. It is a rare track that is a B-side of thriller - and with some adjustments and a little more bass (due to its cassete quality) it is a really catchy classic Michael song.
au revoir.